
++ Solidarity is a weapon against their repression ++

On the 30th of September 2013, eight of the eleven activists involved in the occupation of the French Consulate in Düsseldorf, will have to defend themselves in front of German Authorities, for voicing their protest against murderous state institutions in a non-violent form. The official charge is “trespassing” (Hausfriedensbruch).

Borders kill. Nations legitimize their existence.

We do not believe in borders. We reject the idea of nations. We will not be quiet on their injustices – anywhere.

Please support by informing your local community/ your friends_family and anybody you know about the murder of Noureddin Mohamed and many other migrants under the hand of the French state. Talk to media representatives about the case and inform them about the repression eleven activists are now facing in Germany.

And of course support the activists directly in joining their court hearing in large numbers:

Monday, 30th of September 2013, 9:30am

First Floor, room 1.109

Werdener Str. 1, 40227 Düsseldorf

Standing firm on the believe that there is no difference in the rights of any human beings, mostly ends in heavy state/police repression for those who raise their voices. And repression in a society based on capitalist exploitation means – money. Much money.

Please support in making funds accessible for paying the fines and further costs (like lawyers) connected to the occupation:

Name of Owner: Oldenburger Rechtshilfe
Account Number: 100-006 154
Bank: Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg
Bank Code: 28050100
Purpose: duesseldorf                                                                                                             IBAN: DE93 2805 0100 0061 54                                                                                             BIC: BRLADE21LZO